The War Within Raid DPS Tier List

As we dive into the initial week of The War Within raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, it's essential to analyze how the different DPS specializations are performing. We have gathered data from the first few days of raiding, particularly from heroic difficulty. While things can change drastically when Mythic becomes more prevalent, this breakdown provides an insightful glimpse into the current state of class balance, highlighting which specs are dominating and which are struggling to keep up.

Please remember, this list is based on early data and a mixture of boss damage and overall damage. These rankings are subject to change, especially as players gain tier set bonuses and new gear, but for now, this is how the landscape looks.


S-Tier: The Elite DPS Specs

S-tier specs are those performing exceptionally well in The War Within raid, both in terms of boss damage and overall output. These specs are head and shoulders above the rest, and you'll likely see them frequently in high-end raiding groups.

Arcane Mage
One of the clear standouts in the first week is Arcane Mage, dominating both boss damage and overall raid DPS. The Arcane specialization is showing extreme strength in both single-target and AoE situations, making it one of the most desirable specs for raiding at the moment. Arcane’s burst windows and high sustained damage output push it to the top of the charts. It’s certainly an S-tier spec that can deal consistent damage in most raid encounters, and it’s clear that Arcane Mages are excelling without the need for tier set bonuses.

Arms Warrior
Another top performer is the Arms Warrior. Arms is excelling in boss fights, delivering some of the highest burst damage on priority targets. Warriors, in general, are faring well in this raid tier, and Arms is no exception. Their ability to dish out consistent damage in key windows makes them a powerful choice, especially when you need that extra push during critical phases.

Enhancement Shaman
Enhancement Shaman has also emerged as a top DPS spec, particularly in boss fights. Their ability to combine burst and sustained damage in a variety of situations puts them in the S-tier for raiding right now. Whether it's single-target or cleave situations, Enhancement Shamans are proving themselves to be a force in The War Within raid.

Fury Warrior
Fury Warrior is another strong contender in the S-tier, particularly in terms of overall raid damage. While its boss damage is slightly lower than Arms, Fury excels in multi-target situations, making it invaluable for certain encounters. With good gear scaling and consistent AoE damage, Fury Warrior remains a top choice for raiders who need a versatile melee spec.

A-Tier: Strong Performers

A-tier specs are performing very well, but they may not quite reach the heights of the S-tier. These specs are still excellent choices for raiding, capable of delivering strong damage and providing valuable utility.

Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery (BM) Hunter is off to a strong start in The War Within. BM is known for being reliable in early raid tiers, as its playstyle is not as gear-dependent as some other specs. In this first week, BM Hunters are excelling in boss damage and holding their own in overall raid DPS. Their consistent damage output, even when on the move, makes them an excellent choice for raiders.

Retribution Paladin
Retribution Paladin is another spec that’s performing well in both boss damage and overall DPS. Ret's burst damage during cooldowns makes it a valuable asset for pushing through key phases, and its sustained damage is strong enough to keep it competitive in most encounters. With solid damage output and good utility, Retribution Paladins are a solid A-tier choice in the current raid meta.

Assassination Rogue
Assassination Rogues are doing well in The War Within, particularly in single-target boss fights. While their AoE damage is slightly behind some of the top specs, they more than make up for it with strong, consistent damage on priority targets. Assassination Rogues remain a reliable pick for raiders who want to maximize their boss damage.

Subtlety Rogue
Subtlety Rogue is performing similarly to Assassination, with strong single-target damage and decent cleave potential. While Subtlety may not top the charts in every encounter, it’s proving to be a strong choice for fights that require quick burst damage and high mobility. As with Assassination, Subtlety Rogues are a solid A-tier spec for raiders looking to excel in boss fights.

Affliction Warlock
Affliction Warlocks are doing surprisingly well in this first week, particularly in overall raid damage. Their ability to spread damage across multiple targets makes them a strong contender in AoE-heavy fights. Affliction’s multi-dotting capabilities allow it to thrive in encounters where sustained damage on several targets is necessary, making it a solid choice for raiders looking to maximize their overall damage.

B-Tier: Good, But Not Great

B-tier specs are performing well, but they may struggle to keep up with the top performers in certain situations. These specs are still viable, but they may require more effort or better gear to perform at the highest level.

Elemental Shaman
Elemental Shaman is an interesting case. While they are performing well in overall raid DPS, their single-target boss damage is lacking compared to some of the higher-ranked specs. Elemental’s strength lies in its AoE and cleave potential, making it a solid choice for fights with multiple adds, but it struggles to keep up in pure single-target encounters. This puts them firmly in the B-tier for now.

Feral Druid
Feral Druid is another spec that’s doing decently well in The War Within, but not quite at the level of the A or S-tier specs. Feral is performing better than Balance Druid, but it still struggles to keep up with the top-performing specs in boss damage. Its cleave and AoE capabilities are solid, but it’s not quite enough to push it higher in the rankings.

Windwalker Monk
Windwalker Monk is performing in the middle of the pack, with decent damage in both single-target and AoE situations. While Windwalker is not a top-tier spec at the moment, it’s still a good choice for raiders who want a versatile melee spec with good mobility and solid damage output.

C-Tier: Needs Improvement

C-tier specs are struggling to keep up in the current raid environment. While these specs are still viable, they may require significant buffs or tuning to become competitive in later weeks.

Devastation Evoker
Devastation Evoker is underperforming in both boss damage and overall raid DPS. While Evokers bring some utility to the table, their damage output is lagging behind other specs in The War Within. Devastation Evoker players will likely need buffs or gear improvements to keep up with the higher-tier specs as the raid progresses.

Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Havoc Demon Hunter is another spec that’s struggling in the early weeks of The War Within. While Havoc has traditionally been a strong performer in raid environments, it’s currently underperforming in both boss damage and overall DPS. Havoc players may need to wait for tuning or new gear to help bring their damage up to par with other melee specs.

Destruction Warlock
Destruction Warlock is underperforming in this raid tier, struggling to keep up with the other Warlock specs. Both its single-target and AoE damage are lacking compared to other DPS specs, making it one of the weaker choices for raiders at the moment. Destruction players will likely need buffs or tier set bonuses to become more competitive in later weeks.

D-Tier: In Need of Serious Help

D-tier specs are currently in a tough spot, struggling to perform in both single-target and AoE situations. These specs are in dire need of buffs or major tuning to become viable in The War Within.

Balance Druid
Balance Druid is one of the biggest disappointments of the first week, sitting firmly at the bottom of the DPS rankings. Both its single-target and AoE damage are far behind other specs, making it one of the least desirable choices for raiding right now. Balance Druids are in desperate need of buffs or tuning to bring them back into a competitive state.

Fire Mage
Fire Mage is another spec that’s struggling mightily in The War Within. Once a dominant force in previous raid tiers, Fire is now near the bottom of the DPS charts in both boss damage and overall output. Fire Mages will need significant buffs to return to their former glory.

Shadow Priest
Shadow Priest rounds out the D-tier, underperforming in both boss fights and overall damage. Shadow has historically been a strong spec, but it’s currently struggling to find its footing in The War Within. Like Balance Druids and Fire Mages, Shadow Priests will need significant tuning to become more competitive in this raid tier.

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