the biggest event – nba live mobile all-star will be released on feb 15th, ea sports and players can't wait for it! for warming up the all-star, the countdown to the all-star program is underway in the game.
nba live mobile all-star is upcoming
log in daily to play special countdown to all-star live events
each day, play the countdown to all-star live event and earn collectibles to redeem a countdown to all-star pack (non-repeatable). the pack is loaded with all-star items and an exclusive all-star player for the upcoming all-star program.
nba live mobile countdown to all-star live event
nba live mobile countdown to all-star packs
countdown to all-star pack reward all-star player and items
the nba live mobile all-star program begins on feb 15th! more information will be updated on as it is gathered! stay tuned! if you need to buy any cheap nba live mobile coins, please use coupon "vipball" get discount here!