pump fakes can be a savior for your quarterback, and can make or break a play. like most things on this list, barely anyone uses this feature. a pump fake can do lots of things for a play, and it seems like no one knows its hidden potential.
on ps4/xbox one the controls for pump fake are:
xbox one : l-stick press down, outside pocket r-stick direction
ps4: l3, outside pocket right stick + direction
pump fakes are basically here to make the defense hesitate and to widen gaps between the receivers and the defenders. if you have some time in the pocket, or when you roll-out, you should utilize this strategy. especially if your receiver needs a little bit of a separation from the defender. a pump fake will essentially fake-out the defenders into thinking you launched the ball.
on ps4 the controls to qb slide are:
hold r2 + l2 and press square (100% slide every time)
you can tap square and get a sliding animation sometimes but it's not guaranteed
on ps4 the controls to throw the ball away are:
press/click the right stick in (r3)
xbox controls
r2 = right trigger
l2 = left trigger
square = x
right stick = right stick
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