Shooting contested shots in NBA 2k24 can be very challenging. However, with the right tips and practice, you can become an expert at hitting contested shots. In this guide, I will provide several tips to help you master contested shooting in NBA 2k24.
Use Gatorade Boosts
The number one thing you can do to help yourself hit contested shots is to use Gatorade boosts. They may seem expensive at 3,500 VC for a 10 pack, but they are absolutely worth it. You will easily make that VC back by hitting shots you would normally miss without the boosts. Many shots you miss when contested are simply because you ran out of stamina, which Gatorade boosts help with tremendously.
Release Before Defender Contacts You
The biggest factor in hitting contested shots is timing your release so that the ball is out of your hands before the defender makes contact. Even if the shot is technically contested, if you release it in time, you can still green the shot. For example, I had the ball coming out of my hands before the defender put his hand up. Despite being 56% contested, I still greened it because of the quick release.
The key is looking at where the defender is when the ball leaves your hands. If they are late to contest, 2K likely won't register it as heavily contested. Pay close attention to your defender's position when shooting contested.
Still Try To Green Heavily Contested Shots
Even when you are heavily contested, you should still try to green the shot. I used to have a bad habit of not even attempting shots when I thought I was well defended. However, as I showed, even on shots where the defender is right on you, if timed correctly, you can still green it. Don't let animations fool you – stay focused on your shooting form and release even when you expect to be smothered.
Understand The Contest System
It's important to understand what constitutes a shot contest in 2K24. For example, on one play it looked like I would be contested. However, I pass faked because the defender wasn't fully on top of me yet. As long as you can release the shot before the defender is falling into you or getting a hand up, it likely won't be considered contested by 2K. Study the contest system closely to know what you can and can't get away with.
Take Advantage Of Gravity
Once you start hitting contested shots consistently, defenders will start smothering you when you have the ball. Take advantage of this extra defensive attention by using shot fakes, dribble moves, and off ball cuts to get open. The defender will be so focused on preventing you from shooting, you can exploit all the space they are giving up by overplaying. Work on combos and dribbles to capitalize when the defense over commits.
Use Good Shooting Form
Having a consistent, high-quality shooting form and release on your jumper is critical for contested shots. Ensure you have hot zones and your shooting badges equipped. Do shooting drills in your MyCourt to get your timing down. A good jumper animation and release will make it easier to green contested shots. Find a jumper that works for you and stick with it.
Take Smart Shots
While you can hit contested shots in 2K24 consistently with practice, it's still ideal to take smart, open shots when you can. Only take contested shots when you have the advantage, like being smaller than your defender or having a mismatch. Avoid taking heavily contested shots early in the shot clock or when you have time to reset for a better look.
Boost Attributes
Boost your shooting and physical attributes to give yourself an edge on contested shots. Higher ratings in areas like mid-range, 3PT, stamina, strength, and vertical will make it easier to shoot effectively when challenged. Prioritize boosting your attributes through progression and weekly training in MyCareer.
Badge Setup
Equip badges that enhance contested shooting like Deadeye, Blinders, Circus Threes, Difficult Shots, and more. These badges will reduce the penalties applied to contested shots. Combine shooting badges with defensive ones like Clamps that help you create space from defenders when attempting contested jumpers.
Practice in MyCourt
Spend time practicing contested shots against AI defenders in your MyCourt facility. Set the defensive pressure to smothering and run shooting drills repetitively. MyCourt is the perfect environment to master your timing and releases for contested jumpers.
Hitting contested shots in NBA 2k24 takes skill, patience, and sticking to fundamentals. With these tips and focused practice, you'll gain the confidence and ability to shoot effectively even when challenged. Master the art of contested shooting and take your game to the next level.